Which Version of Unreal Engine to download

Hi I am new to Unreal and this course however I am unsure on what Unreal engine to download. Does it matter? I was going to download the version 4.22 that this course was under but it said they did a new update with Unreal Engine 5 but it doesn’t specify what version… Thank you in advance for answering this question if you happen to come across it.

A pre-release of 5.0 was used to create the first section or two (So 5.0 would be the closest version to that you can get now) and then 5.0 onwards.

That said there appears to be a bug the compiler or Epic’s code in 5.0 and you’d be unable to compile a C++ Unreal project with that version with the 14.39+ version of Microsoft’s compiler; so I’d suggest any version from 5.1 onwards, there shouldn’t be much difference if any with what you see in the course.

Thank You!

On another note, isn’t UE5 performance still lower and more hardware demanding than UE4?
I think UE4’s is staying with us for long years ahead specially for those who havemaximum performance and optimization for low end players in mind.

It is lower but depends more on your GPU. My 4 yr old PC was fine once I updated the GPU. If you have an RTX card, generally you wouldn’t notice for games anyway. The engine on the other hand you want something with a decent amount of VRAM so a 4070 Super or Ti Super would do well given they have 12/16gb of VRAM. I’ve had a few glitches with my 8Gb 3060 ti but it mostly works fine.

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