Which graphics tablet is good for sculpting?

I decided to buy a graphics tablet for sculpting as it is getting really hard on my wrist with a mouse.
Which graphics tablet is good for sculpting? Preferably something that shouldn’t break my bank please. And I am using windows 10.

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Don’t know much about them. Only that Wacom are overpriced or used to be. Several others now make them. I have one but never use it. Mouse is better for me. I suspect there will be as many suggestions as people making them! I do not get the impression there is much difference. Just a matter of sizes and how many buttons you want.


If you are new to graphics tablets, look at the entry level Wacoms. I use an intuous S and would say it is great for beginners. Mouse is severely infeirior (I don’t think I spelled that right) to a graphics tablet. Though this is just my experience, and I’ve heard from most 3D sculpters/texture painters it makes a huge difference.

Just be ready to have a nice stiff learning curve for using it. (If you can swing a display tablet like the Wacom One it might be a little more natural to use since you look at the screen you are drawing on instead of drawing on the graphics tablet and looking away from your hand.)

I can also recommend XP Pen tablets, I have seen them used (never personally used one myself, I am also new to using one hence the intuous S) but they seem to do great work. Only thing I’ve heard about non-wacom tablets are there can be some rough issues with drivers.

Also NP5 is right, size can make a difference, and having buttons is great since you can program hotkeys to said buttons.

Hope this helps you Chris!



A few of us were talking about different models in this thread the other day:

I use a $60 Wacom that I got in 2016. I like it. Even though it doesn’t have a screen on it, the cursor tracks nicely when I hover the pen over the pad (not touching, not drawing, just hovering) so I don’t have to look down very often when I use it.

A couple of other people posted their preferences as well.

Details and links are in the thread.


Huion H950P is great and is not over priced


I have the Huion Kamvas 16 2021 Pen Display tablet and am very pleased with it. It’s my recommendation. Perfect size and comfort and seems to operate very well.


All tablets are good that have been mentioned here. If you want your tablet to have a screen then it will cost you more. I guess you have the advantage of portablility. Great for going out and sketching.

Using tablet without a screen using a monitor is good for hand and eye coordination.



The real question is:
How are you going to mark this one as ‘Solved’? :laughing:


Thank you. I don’t know much about them either. So i decided to check. And you are right, Wacom tablets are more expensive than others. I will brainstorm a little and decide the size and number of buttons i want and decide on my pick.Anyway, thank you so much for trying and the reply.


Thank you for replying. I checked out your suggestion.
(Wacom Intuos CTL-4100/K0-CX Digital Graphics Pen Tablet for Drawing (Black) Small (7.8-inch x 6.3-inch) | Battery Free Pen with 4096 Pressure | Compatible with Windows, Mac & Android)
This one seems to be in my price range. Is this a good pick for optimization between size, quality and price?
Although, display tablets are highly expensive here, and I can’t afford them right now.
Anyway, Thank you so much for the reply.

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Thank you so much for the reply.
I checked out your suggestion. It is not as expensive as the Wacom ones and great quality too.
( HUION Inspiroy H950P Drawing Tablets Digital Drawing Pad Computer Graphic Tablet, Tilt Feature Battery-Free Pen 8192 Pressure Sensitivity and 8 User-Defined Shortcuts Suit for Windows,Mac OS,Android OS,Linux )
Is this the exact one you recommended? If so I can seriously afford it. And I like the quality too.


Thank you for the reply.
I checked out your suggestion. It has nice quality and size like you said. I like it. Although it is a tiny expensive here. Anyway thank you so much for taking your time and replying. I really appreciate it.


Thank you so much for the reply.
I checked out the discussion. Got a lot of info. Thank you. I checked out the Wacom tablets you recommended in the discussion. They are of great quality and are affordable for me right now. Although, the display tablets mentioned there are a little expensive here. But I suppose having a screen will increase the price anyway. And thank you so much for taking your time and reply. I appreciate it.

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Thank you. And you are right. Display tablets are more expensive than normal ones. But I guess having a screen will increase the work quality and will take less time. And I guess ones without the screens will take a little time getting used to. But nothing is impossible right? Anyway thank you so much.


You are right about that. Guess I will have to throw a dice and hope for the best.

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:heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:
Thank you everyone for you replies. I really appreciate it.


Huion H950P is all you will need I love mine. I wouldn’t say having a screen on your Tablet will improve the quality of your work. It’s more a matter of practise and learning new teqniques. My mum has a large I pad for her digital art but doesn’t work with a desk top. If you wish to work independently from your computer then a screen would be useful. Otherwise i dont personally think you need one. I can work with my Huion H950P easier now than drawing on a piece of paper.

If you are doing pixel art you dont need a tablet at all i just use a mouse.


Whichever you choose, I also HIGHLY recommend a good carry case like this one:

The few extra dollars spent is well worth it!

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Thank you :heart_eyes:

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Thank you :heart_eyes:


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