Which Blender Course Should I Take?

Hey guys, I was wanting some advice. I’m learning game development and I want to be able to make assets for my games. I’ve noticed that GameDev.TV has a few different courses on Blender and I was wondering which one I should take for games?

I’m between:
Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners
Blender Environment Artist: Create 3D Worlds

Hi Ryan,

Welcome to the community forums :slight_smile:
I would take the complete blender creator course as its the most up to date course apart from the characters course we have and that would be a good lead on from learning the basics

Hope this helps

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I agree with Marc.
You learn the basic of rigging, with is not so different in use for characters.
But it depends on your type of game … MineCraft vs First person shooter.
For both you need the knowledge learned in the general blender course.

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Afternoon @Ryan_Moye, as someone who is working on the same journey you are, my advice is to do the Complete Blender Creator course. While the Environmental Artist course does teach you a few things it primarily focuses on refining skills you will learn in CBC and completely ignores a few areas that you will want to know.

Later on, when you are ready to start modeling characters for your game you will want to grab the Charactor Creater course and go through that one as well. BCC will give you a more in depth look at things like sculpting and animation.

Good luck and don’t forget to share your progress, many of us love seeing that stuff and, there are plenty of people here who can give you constructive feedback to help you improve on your work. One word of advice on that track… don’t try and get to in depth into learning texturing and materials in Blender, that stuff doesn’t export to the game engines very well so you will end up having to re-create a lot of your work with a different system.


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