Where to start as a game tester?


I want to apply for a game tester position that includes knowledge of Unreal Engine 4/5. I don’t expect to have any chance of success in the short term, but anyway - which course from GameDev.tv’s about Unreal would you recommend I start with?

I have some experience testing software, websites and mobile apps which I believe I can use, but my knowledge of Unreal is lacking. Do you have any tips, please?


You probably would be best starting with the UE5 C++ beginners course. it covers a range of features (although barely scratches the surface) including touching on blueprint. It does require C++ but if that’s not your thing, you could maybe consider the Blueprint Stealth course or first person shooter course. They are about the simplest ones.

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Thank you. I’ll go check it out right now!

I would look into a accredited Quality Assurance certification, since that’s the type of work you would be doing.

Normally I would agree with that but game testing is not the same. It needs a different skillset. A lot of these certifications cover test automation and the likes, and it is difficult to apply that to gaming. My background is industry and I can tell you now you couldn’t use the likes of Robot Framework or GTest to test your games unless you dummy in a fake controller that can take commands over something like MQTT - it wouldn’t be impossible but it’d be tough.

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