Where is the last teacher of the Game Dev Blender Course?

He’s british too, he gave me memorable exercises such as the chess table, the bowling pins, and the train. He usually explained stuff in a very in-depth and simple way, without leaving nothing technical behind. All due respect to grant abbit, that another guy was my favorite teacher and I’d like to have access to his content again.


Does anybody at least remember his name?


Michael Bridges?

He started a game development / course company, using Godot I believe.

That’s sad. I got myself a refund of this course. I couldn’t get any kind of satisfaction from grant abbit. He’s too slow and goes into little details when we need it.


The old Michael content is still available!


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You need search for the Blender 2.7 course on Gamedev, Udemy. It’s a bit of hidden. Not to confuse new students, because these courses use old Blender versions.

No success

The sad thing is that much haven’t changed from Blender 2.7 to 3, the principles of modelling, geometry, extruding, cutting, rendering, uv mapping are still the same.

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Yes, but students are used to click here and use hot-key this approach. And that UI has changed with 2.8 Blender. Also instead of one big course (the old one had 10 main chapters). Now they do a lot of specific courses. Easier to maintain, and also a bit more commercial. Draw a Dragon, Build a Fun character. etc. Which has a lot of repetition, because when you are a starter, you need to be told about Blender core functionality.

@NP5 can you locate the old 2.7 course.

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I think the route to the 2.7 course is on Udemy.
I still have it there.
However, the signpost to it will be in a lecture of the 2.8 course, just as there is a signpost to the 2.8 course in the newer 3 course.

This is currently a problem as no one can access the 2.8 archived course down to some Udemy glitch still not sorted out. (I can not access the 2.8 on Udemy either)

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I don’t think gamedev should have cut his content out like that. Anyway, I found his whole content in a torrent on which I already downloaded here. If any of you wants to check it out, just DM me.

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