Where is my c++?

I am enjoying this section so far, BUT I feel like it lacks the c++ that I want to learn. I hope he revises most of what he has done in blueprints into c++ so we can actually put on our “big boy pants”. Just thought I would share and tag @ben @sampattuzzi. The main reason being that when you go into a job interview for programming and they ask you to do something you cant just be like “well I connect this node to this one and done”. They actually want to see logic and code.

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Yes I’d also like some info on what’s going on with the lack of C++ from @ben and @sampattuzzi. I’ve been incredibly impressed with this course on the earlier two sections but this one seems to lack exactly what I signed up to learn.

There’s another thread Amount of C++ code in TestingGrounds asking a similar questions but it’s also had no replies.

I think I’ve seen another but I am unable to find it now.

I’m not sure where I should go to get an answer to this or hear the discussion on it?


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We heard your feedback and the level does increase towards the end of the section.

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Okay thank you.

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