Where are the functions that he used defined in the documentation?

I read the documentation of UStaticMeshComponent and I didn’t find any of the functions that the instructor used in the docs. Am I looking in the wrong documentation or is it general function rather than belonging to UStaticMeshComponent.

What’s one of the functions you are referring to?

He used functions for turret,like GetComponentLocation

By turret I mean UStaticMeshComponent

I would say this applies to your question How to find "GetComponentLocation()" function using the UE4 Documentation?

That person also asked

Nevertheless, I was opening the UE Docs for UStaticMeshComponent and was searching for any getter-function that would give me any location or at least an FVector. But there wasn’t any.

And DanM says

Honestly, Google usually takes you to the right place. Using your example and “get component location ue4” I get the docs for USeneComponent::GetComponentLocation() as the first result.

To add to that post, going through code someone else does is always harder than writing from scratch oneself, simply because code tends to jump all over the place. Code also could be renamed in new functions, have not enough comments to understand, be named something we can’t think of, go through name changes, etc. depending on how “wise” a programmer tries to be.

So you have to look at the code already done and do the puzzle backwards. Many times something comes from another class, or in c++ possibly from the header file, etc.

But, looking at the code is how you get through it. Find the class to the function in the code and you can find the function. Its there if you look hard enough.

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