When it doesnt find an aim solution, it doesnt acknowledge the "else" code

hey there, it seems i have an issue with the c++ code:

here is my code in the tankaiming component:

	//if have aim solution:
	bool hit;
	hit = UGameplayStatics::SuggestProjectileVelocity(this, OutLaunchVelocity, StartLocation, WorldSpaceAim,
		LaunchSpeed, false, 0, 0, ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::DoNotTrace);
	if (hit ==true)
		auto Time = GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds();
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%f tank can hit: %s"), Time, *GetOwner()->GetName());
		auto Time = GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds();
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%f tank Cannot hit : %s"), Time, *GetOwner()->GetName());

my problem is that whenever it Cannot hit (looking at the sky), it wont run the else code, but wont run the if code either:

if i aim at the ground it logs:
LogTemp: Warning: 11.562568 tank can hit: Tank_BP_C_0 -----> this is the player tank
LogTemp: Warning: 11.562568 tank can hit: Tank_BP2_1632
LogTemp: Warning: 11.562568 tank can hit: Tank_BP3_6435
LogTemp: Warning: 11.562568 tank can hit: Tank_BP_757

if i aim at the sky it only gives the 3 ai tanks:

LogTemp: Warning: 11.929156 tank can hit:Tank_BP2_1632
LogTemp: Warning: 11.929156 tank can hit:Tank_BP3_6435
LogTemp: Warning: 11.929156 tank can hit:Tank_BP_757

why doesn’t it also show that the player tank Cannot hit? did i write the else code wrongly?

Nevermind i got it:
my tankPlayerController doesnt even call AimAt if the raycast cannot find a target (e.g sky)
consequentially, this function wont get called at all if i look at the skybox. the else code will be reached only if i aim at some very distant mountain (velocity too low)

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