When I drag and drop my network manager script it doesn't add the extra pieces [solved]

When I drag my script over in to the inspector of the network manager all that appears is the script.

When I add a network manager component and change the script to my script all the setting in the inspector disappear.

I noticed my void is green rather than blue for the
public override void ONStartHost(){
Debug.Log ("Host Started at " + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad);

I’m getting an error that says no suitable method found to override for ONStartHost

I fixed this by correcting the spelling error… it’s actually a lower case n for OnStartHost

Is your class extending NetworkManager or still MonoBehaviour?

Make sure your class starts with this:

public class MyNetworkManager : NetworkManager {

and not this:

public class MyNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {

sorry to bother you I added [solved] tot he title of my post above should I also add it to the body of the post?

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