What's the correct way to reverse the moving?

My current code is:

if(ShouldMove == true)


FVector CurrentLocation = GetOwner() -> GetActorLocation();

FVector TargetLocation = OriginalLocation + MoveOffset;

float Speed = FVector::Distance(OriginalLocation, TargetLocation) / MoveTime;

FVector NewLocation = FMath::VInterpConstantTo(CurrentLocation, TargetLocation, DeltaTime, Speed);

GetOwner() -> SetActorLocation(NewLocation);




    FVector CurrentLocation = GetOwner() -> GetActorLocation();


    float Speed = FVector::Distance(CurrentLocation, OriginalLocation) / MoveTime;

    FVector NewLocation = FMath::VInterpConstantTo(CurrentLocation, OriginalLocation, DeltaTime, Speed);

    GetOwner() -> SetActorLocation(NewLocation);


This works however the wall slows down as it goes back up. I’m guessing the distance is recalculated each time, instead of there being a unaffected variable for current location like there is for OriginalLocation.

Would I need to set a new variable outside the tick function such Speed?

Are you using the editor to check/uncheck ShouldMove? Editing the properties will reinitialise the component and thus call BeginPlay again. You would need to modify that variable programatically (done later)

P.S. Having a space between -> is rather unusual and I only see beginners of C++ do that. It would be like having a space after .; as you said in your other thread that you have used Java before, would you write

SomeObject . SomeFunc();

or does that seem weird?

Yes, I am. I guess I got too curious and jumped the gun. I’ll wait till I reach that part haha.

Yeah, not sure why I did that, maybe a remnant of my PowerShell scripting job I had last year. Also maybe because I was taking the word pointer too literally and making it look like an arrow haha.

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