What's possible, with Unreal? xxx

I’ve been learning how to create 3D game characters, using blender. When I’ve completed my blender courses I was hoping to take a course all about using the Unreal engine. But the problem I have, is it takes such a long time to create, artwork in 3D. I have a great idea for a video game. I’m creating 2 x game avatars and 7 x enviroments. These goals I’ve set are realistic, over the next couple of years, but what I’m realizing, is that I need to team up with another person/s to bring my game into reality. I would welcome feedback on this question. What do you think? xxx


A lot can be learned in 2 years, if you just put an hour of Unreal a day, you’ll be a pro in two years, however if you are worried about difficulty then you can just do unity, easier to learn and can do almost everything unreal can do, all you need is and hour or two a day and in two years you’ll be just fine. On your next point, I wouldn’t suggest collaborating with people you dont know, maybe friends you have are good at game engines, just my thoughts…


Hello kid, how ya doing today? I didn’t realise, until you told me, that you could make 3D games in Unity. I completed 1 part of a Unity course, I found it challenging, but super fun. I managed to program my fish avatar to move around, only in 2D though. I was pretty chuffed. Once I’ve done this blender course, I will defo go back to the Unity course. Fo r my game I need to create 2 x avatars + 7 x enviroments. I think I could complete the
art in a couple of years. While I’m doing that I can study Unity hard, I do put the hours in, I’m a bit different from most people because I have a 5 day week. As soon as I’m awake on Monday morning I go on my Mac desktop an start my art or tutorials, then, I work straight through into Tuesday - until I finish at 2am Wednesday, (40 hours) I sleep all Wednesday, then I do it all again Thursday to Saturday 2am, (another 40 hours). xxx

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Sounds great, I never realized you had that amount of time, I thought you worked a job, I unfortunately can’t do that because of my highschool, however summer break is in a couple weeks…

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I put in 2 x 40 hour shifts, per week. At my massage job I do 12 hours, but the rest of it - is art and study xxx

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Didn’t you say you are a therapist, anyways, good luck with your artwork!

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yes, I’m a therapist, I’ve been drawing lat

erns today, lol xxx

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Oh so you are a therapist and a masseuse, nice laterns, they have a transparent colorful feel.

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I was hoping to use them in my nightclub, in the bar area, xxx

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