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Why are meshes getting cut off when I’m on the camera view?

And here is the same thing from the view port.

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This is called camera clipping.
Select ‘view’ and change the camera clipping settings.

Or just scale down all your objects.


That is viewport and or camera ‘clipping’.

Both the camera and the viewport have ‘clipping distances’ both far and near.

Select the camera and in the green icon Object data properties tab, lens dropdown (usually opened by default), there are clipping distance numbers named Clip start, and End. That you can change so the camera can ‘see’ further or closer. Increase the end, add a zero or some such. (There is a related issue of getting too close.)

The viewport version is in the N toolbar under the view tab. Should you ever have the issue in the viewport rather than the camera.x


Ok. Cool! Thank you.

Excellent. Thank you! I appreciate the knowledge.

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