What your logo says about you

Every company has a logo, even indie companies. I have personally went through a few over the years. But a real logo says something about your company. Lets show some of them off here! I spent a good part of today revising my indie logo. The one I was using hinted at things I liked, but not about the company. So while thinking about it, I decided that it needed to change. What could I personally use for my company? Well, my company is me. What can I say about me? Well, I grew up and still have roots in tornado alley here in the US. I now live in the pacific northwest surrounded by rain forest. What do these have in common? Rain! My logo lacked a storm! So after hours of working and rendering, may I present the new logo for Phillips Game Design:

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I used After Effects for the logo in case anyone was curious.

Please, share your logos on this feed. Let us see what they say about you!

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