What would be the most appropriate course?

Hello guys, I’m game dev and started learning about blender.

I finished the Low Poly Characters: Blender Bitesize Course, and would know what course is most appropriate to keep learning ?

My focus is low poly art. I’m thinking about buying Blender Animation & Rigging to learn about animations and Low Poly Landscapes to create some environment.

I would like to know the option of people with more experience in arts before purchasing.


I suspect most would do the Complete Blender Creator first. There is also the Low poly Landscapes Bite Sized course goes well with the LP character one you have done.


@NP5, I didn’t buy Blender Creator because it’s too broad. I want to focus only on low poly to be able to create my games with this style.

I need to learn how to create scenes and items now. I believe Landscape will help me with this and finally I will buy Rigging.

It’s a good plan, right?


@Lucas_Lopes Yes rigging and animating is a good choice since you want to develop games.


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