What’s next sugestions

Hi Code Monkey,

Thank you for the course ; it is very good material and very well executed (and for anybody reading below this line, I absolutely recommend taking this course as it really will improve your knowledge of possibilities in unity).

To add some constructive comments to help you improve yourself to an even greater level than you already are, as I read some of the reviews where they said that the speed was too fast and it was a lot of typing even if you had experience. I ran almost the whole course at 1.25 to 1.5 speed, so the issue is not exactly the speed of the content. I’ll illustrate the things that I observed with myself at the faster presentation speeds:

At some point, you switched from explaining things to showing them without pointing that out. That caused me, as I was listening, to continue in the wrong script, as the change in the script was not mentioned, before I could see that you continued somewhere else (4 times, but one time it could be that I missed the remark).

The other point is that on multiple occasions, the order of what you wanted was reversed. To illustrate, I already defined the variables to store the information, but then the example continued at the assign part of the not yet written down variable assignment, causing the student (me) to doubt himself and remove the variable that I guessed, only to discover that at the end you ended up assigning it to a variable (simular to the one that I removed). My advice is to be a little bit more clear at the start before writing about what the variable will be and what the intent of the assignment is.

Now for the question for a squel for this course:

The following are the additional things that I myself implemented in the code (some of them inspired by your “could do” remaks):

  • Multiple (two in my case) Units and/or Objects in a Grid (this includes nice ordering and looking direction of the units without overlapping). It was intended for a unit and an enemy unit to engage in melee combat on the same grid.

-Skill-based shooting: units have a skill level to hit, including nice effects when the unit misses. As there are multiple units on a grid, even friendly fire can occur (It’s not so wise to shoot in hand-to-hand combat).

-A proper turn logic (right and left) In addition, I added angles to the fire resolution so that only units in the, let’s say, front grits can be shot, so the turning logic makes more sense and really has a function. The same is done for interactables; only the “three” front grids of the unit can interact.

On my to-do list:

-Have skill-based sword melee fights, including dodge and block (having the animations for both).

-Limited granades (and/or ammo), including finding granades in the barrel and/or boxes.

-Opening boxes (possibly skill-based lock picking + animation) to find stuff like pistols, knives, swords, grenades, and of course; medi kits and ammo.

-The use of medi kits (also the pistols and knives, including animation and limitations, because, of course, we only have two hands as humans).

The big request (on my challenge list to see if the knowledge of the RTS game can be incorporated for turn-based):

-How to expand into a cooperative game so you can play with your friends.

-Make some boss-like units with specific proper AI for the boss (commanding minions, adding buffs, etc.).

And I have a bigger request (I do not know if I will do it myself or even have the capability), but it is possibly in line with some of the stuff frequently asked on the forums and livecasts:

-Procediaual gen-based levels based on some simple rooms, for a scenario where the units get more skill as they move on until they die (the high score is then awarded based on rooms passed and enemies cleared).

To end this rather long chat, I wanted to thank you for making the course, and I do hope you make an add-on.
I really enjoyed making the game and may spend more time incorporating the other GameDev.tv courses into this one.

Very Kind Regards,

PS: I apologise for any possible misspellings as English is not my native language.

Thanks for all the great feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the course!
And thanks for all the great ideas, definitely some things I’d love to add in future updates

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