What other solutions do you have for unique UUIDs?

In this lecture I used a static dictionary to track the UUIDs on all SaveableEntities. This mean I had to check and remove items from the dictionary if they became invalid. This would happen if the UUID was renamed or a new scene was loaded and the SaveableEntity was destroyed.

I also outlined a poor performance solution with FindObjectsOfType. Did you think of any other solutions?

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Hello Sam, just a fast question, I not understand why, but my player on first Scene will not Refert to prefab while I set player as UUID, while the scene2 will get loaded it without any problem. What will you suggest me to check ?

Nevermind, I guess I did something wrong on the Saveable UUID, because I check both Player Enemy and Character and all of them had set player as UUID so I just remove it from Enemy and Character prefabs and all work as intended :slight_smile:


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