What is the reason behind using capsule component for Toon Tanks?

As far as I undarstand, capsule component is used mainly to define collisions and transform of an object. Well, that seems reasonable if there is no pre-made or pre-calculated collisions. But in our case, both the tank and the turret already have simple collisions (way more accurate than the capsule component). So why are we using capsule component instead of making root component from base mesh?

Edit: Obviously doing it that way, we should also add turret collision to consider whether or not object got hit.

Personally you could do either, mesh collisions are more cpu intensive, and on toon tanks it probably doesn’t matter. But if you had more objects it could impact performance. Although I don’t know how many you would Have to have.

Thanks for the answer. I will just follow along using capsule component since there are a lot of references to it in the code already.
From what I’ve read, capsule component is default root component for a character class (but in Toon Tanks we use Pawns). For now it doesn’t make much sense for me - for example, how can we make the capsule fit perfectly to character’s body without skipping the limbs and at the same time not making the capsule oversized? I guess there will be further explanation on that in the next section, since character class will be used there for sure.

The root can really be whatever you decide.

As for a capsule and character, no it will not fit perfectly if that is what you ate looking for, in that case you will need more complex collisions on the character if you need them. All at a cost on performance and game needs. For example in a first person shooter maybe you want the ability to shoot a limb, certainly a more complex collision would allow this. But on the other hand maybe you have an endless runner and capsule is just fine to see if you it an obstacle.

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