What is the difference between a custom event and a function?

I feel like custom events weren’t really explained at all in this tutorial, we just have used them without explanation about what they do.

Events is like a something you subscribed into

Example you subscribe a youtub channel, you wont know when will it Notify you, but once the It’s notifed, you can do logic on it

Events: Abstract Invoker
Function: Concrete Invoke

To expand on this a bit.

Custom events (and events in general) are a response to something that is happening in the game. They’re your main point of contact with anything happening in your game. They can be bound to or overwritten like functions, but they also have no expectation of outputting anything.

Functions on the other hand, can be considered like a “sub task” while an event is called. Though they are able to be called on their own but are usually called while an event is running though it’s execution. They’re able to return a value that can be used later and/or stored. Some nodes that work in the event graph (like the Timeline node) do not work in a function.

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