What is the connection between the udemy lectures and the tags here?

For example, in udemy blender course, lecture 21 of the Blender 2.8 lectures, if I click ‘This Lecture’s discussions’, I’m taken to somewhere called 4_bk_cbc.

Is there an index somewhere saying what lecture title relates to what code?

If I want to see discussions for some other lecture, how do I navigate to it, other than going back via udemy?


Hi @twisted, thanks for asking.

This is an experiment in sending several Udemy lectures to a single post, the contents of which I’ve copied below for you.

This doesn’t work, however, as I’ve now discovered, as the post is in a category you can’t see.

I’ll be fixing this in the next few days, thanks!

The post…

Great to see you here, and we hope you’re enjoying the new Block Modelling content.

You can find thousands of conversations about the Blender 2.7 version of this content here: #block-model

Alternatively create your own post by clicking New Topic. Then you get to choose whether you’re just chatting (in #blender:talk), you have a question that needs an answer (choose #blender:ask) or if you want to show off your work it’s #blender:showcase

Enjoy your stay!

Thanks for the explanation.

Seems to me it would indeed make sense to have posts arising from a particular lecture grouped together or discoverable via a search all together somehow.

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