What is better, invisible shape colliders or a mesh collider from .obj?

I took the lessons from the low poly blender course and made some changes to make my game a little more challenging. I think it looks good but the trees (obstacles) got me thinking about what would look better and what would function better (process faster)?

I know this is not in the standard course at this point, I just have previous exp in other engines and started searching for how to and just thought… maby I should ask why first lol.


Hi J_S1,

With modern computers most can handle more complex collision shapes so its not so much about performance so you should be okay with the obj ones.
This being said however if you were targeting mobile builds then i would side on the more basic collisions rather than the obj more complex ones.

It also depends on the degree of accuracy of those collisions that you need so it doesnt look wierd when you collider with the object in the game.

My overall opinion is that it is a use case and how close you can get with the built in collision system so you dont need to use the ones from the obj file.

Hope this helps

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