What if I wanted to import this system into another project?

I have been working on a project based on the 2d RPG course, and I was wondering if there are any compatibility issues with this inventory system and the project from the 2d course? The same goes for the dialogue and ability courses, as well as the saving system.

Are there any major issues that I can expect to encounter if I try to import the inventory/dialogue/ability systems in to the Unity 2D RPG course? I would assume I would have to change the ActiveInventory and Player controller scripts.

Has anyone else tried to do anything like this?

The Inventory is actually very portable, as all of the scripts in GameDevTV/Scripts make no references whatsoever to the existing RPG codebase. Instead, it’s the other way round, our RPG code uses the Inventory.

I’m thinking you might have to adapt the RandomDropper script (in the Integration section) to find a location specifically on the x/z plane.

A quick note about the Saving System. When the course series was developed, Sam used the BinaryFormatter for saving. Since that time, Microsoft has deemed the BinaryFormatter format unsafe for distribution (you can use it to learn with the course, but don’t use it in your final product that you ship).
I’ve written a replacement for the BinaryFormatter based Saving System which includes all of the code needed to adjust each class in the RPG series, and should get you up to speed on what you would need to do to save almost any class needed. Json SavingSystem

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Thank you once again, Brian!

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