What I recognise, and what I don't recognise


Here is what I understand from the two files
++ is for what I recognised
– is for what I didn’t recognise
-+ is when I recognised something but not some parts of it

++ The #include to import other libraries
++ #pragma once to be sure everything is loaded once

-+ The class named BUILDINGESCAPE_API, that makes me a bit lost because of how it’s declared.
– the UCLASS thing
– the public part in the declaration
– it doesn’t have the same name as constructor

++ There’s also the 2 “publics” part. My guess is that the first one is for the constructor, and the other for the declaration of the methods
– The “protected” part that we didn’t see before, but maybe it acts like a “private”?
– There’s a method that is called even before the first public part

– Last but not least are the “virtual” and "override "calls in the methods

++ #Including Header file
++ Constructor::Method

– Super::Method();

The files are commented a lot so I’m not that lost, but I’ll look further into it with the course to understand it all I guess :smiley:.

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