What I Really Like (or Dislike) about the Standard Camera's

After being in Game Development for 2 years, I always struggled with Camera’s on meshes. Bugs like Camera’s going trough Walls, GameObjects disapearing from the camera view (like Grass or Plants) always gave a bad Camera Taste.

After checking out this Course, and see what kind of Standard Camera’s Unity has in Store I really like how a Camera Rotates around, and not trough, a Wall so that the player always stays be visable… The Free Look Camera also Zooms in when walking into a Tower or small building which also is pretty cool.

I don’t know if it is how Ethan is programmed, but I also noticed when using the FreeLookCamera and Rotate with your mouse, the player moves in that Direction. If this is a Camera feature it is so cool for SandBox video games!!!

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