What i learned this week, Unity starter-assets-third-person-character-controller

Phew. finally got something to work. Just wanted to write down what i have done this week.

Installed the new unity starter-assets-third-person-character-controller, seemed like a simple way to get a character running and animating.

First part was Really simple. Install the the asset and just add the character trough the menu.
Then to get your own character in just replace with your character and check that you have a Humanoid RIG set.
Easy part done, you now have running and jumping character.
So can really Recommend this assets at least for quick prototyping.

Then i just had to learn the new input system to be able to use any commands took a while to figure it out as i never used it before.

Now combine this with the Animator and new animations to get my player to punch and kick.

Character punching now, but the characters feet just slide when animations are activated and you are running, now just had to learn how to do Animation Layers and Masking the Rig.

Results in a video below.

Orc Animation Youtube

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Thank hank you for sharing this! So much useful information!

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