What I know of pointers

When I first started learning C++ a few years ago, the concept of “pointer” was a bit hard for me to understand. My main question was “why in the world would I EVER need them?” Today I understand their importance. Here’s a part of what I know about pointers:

  • A pointer is like a special variable that holds an address of an another variable.
  • There are 2 operators that you should remember when dealing with pointers:
    1. “The content of” operator (*)
    2. “The address of” operator (&)
  • A single address is 1 byte of memory in your PC.
  • 1 byte is 8 bits of memory (a single bit can have either the value of 0 or 1).
  • An address usually looks something like this: 0x205a
  • Pointers store addresses, addresses store values.
  • Let’s we have an integer named “MyVariable” and we want to store it’s address in a pointer:
    int MyVariable = 5;
    int* PtrVariable = &MyVariable;
  • Now we can refer to “MyVariable” through the pointer. How?
    std::cout << *PtrVariable;
  • This would print out 5, since we are printing out “the content of” PtrVariable (remember the * operator as I described it above). We are in the process of “dereferencing” PtrVariable.
  • Making statements like these:
    std::cout << &MyVariable;
    std::cout << PtrVariable; //No * operator
    Would result in the same way. We would get the “address of” MyVariable (remember the & operator as described above).
  • You can have pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers (and so on), that hold addresses of pointers:
    int** PtrPtrvariable;
  • You can use “references” (aka addresses) as parameters for functions:
    void MyFunc(&a, &b);
  • Any changes made to the arguments while in the function will also leave a long-term effect on the variables that you’ve passed into the function.
  • You can’t pass literals into these kind of functions (at least in the places where it requires a reference).
  • You can have pointers as parameters:
    void MyScndFunc(*a, *b);
  • Here you need to pass in addresses like so:
    MyScndFunc(&SomeVariable, &SomeOtherVariable);
  • In order to access the content of “a” and “b”, you’ll need to dereference them which is more work, that’s why pass-by-reference is more preferred over pass-by-pointer.
  • In most modern day compilers any pointer takes up 4 bytes (32 bits) of memory which is nice because you can save some memory.
  • Pass by reference uses up less memory than pass by value, since the compiler doesn’t need to copy values. And also we should use a reference in the element declaration of the for each loop that we saw in section two (for optimization reasons):
    for(auto &Letter : Word){ }

These are some of more important things that I know of pointers, there are a lot more which I could write up but I think that’s enough for now! :smiley:

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