What are you delivering in your game?

I haven’t decided on a theme yet. I’m going to follow the lessons and then go back through and make it my own.

i will distribute healthy water bottles to families for less carbon foot print

My game will be delivering free copies of gta 6

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You will be delivering runaway pets to their distraught owners.

Player is delivering dog treats to all to dog owners who have ordered them.


Player will be delivering presents to all the children on the nice list this year.
Pre-reqs: player must be morbidly obese and like the color red

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Chicken with mushrooms and bechamel sauce.
(my favourite food, everyone should eat :slight_smile: )

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My game will be delivering pizza’s to hungry gamers!

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i think the player is delivering food for all the hungry peoples.

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Pizza ofc

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In my game, the player will be delivering packages.

I willl deliver yome nice Unity content from Rick Davidson for aspiring and passionate game developers.

delivering nasi goreng to uncle asep

My game will be delivering car parts.

Player is delivering Magic the gathering cards to husbands that are hiding the fact they are mtg cards

In my game you will deliver cats in trees because the cats are scared and crawled into a tree to people who want a cat and a tree.

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My player will be delivering gaming PC’s to those who can’t afford it.

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The player is delivering blood bags to hospitals from different blood banks

In my game, player going to be deliver healthcare workers to the houses in need.

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