hammer for break to computer when crush the codes
My delivery driver will be delivering salty tears to his enemies. mwahahaha or maybe just hot dogs
You will be delivering hot sauce to people that ordered cold sauce and cold sauce to people that ordered hot sauce. Got do it fast and avoid obstacle so you don’t spill the sauce.
My drivers name is Shie and he will be delivering UberEats, specifically a Lamb Kebab because that is what I last ordered on UberEats.
Yes, my drivers name was also Shie.
Delivering steak and french fry dinners
You are doing your part-time job teaching a student driver how to drive while you are doing your other part-time job as a local package delivery courier at the same time. What could go wrong?
In my game, i prefer to dilvering pizza or milktea or tapioca one by one
The player will be delivering oxygen tanks and gas masks in a world that is covered in poisonous fumes
My plan is to make a delivery game based on a boy who is currently studying but want to help his mother in her homemade food delivery business. So, he goes to people house and deliver food to them made by his mother.
This will be the story line for my game.
I’ll be delivering VR headsets as the metaverse is the new social norm and everyone and their mom can’t wait to jump in. My driver is an entrepreneur who exclusively works with retailers to deliver VR headsets around town and since online is sold out everywhere, I’m slammed with work!
I will be delivering Dosa
I’ll be delivering singing telegrams for birthdays and other events
I am going to deliver samosa.
My car will be delivering copies of this game. To make an infinite cycle of a game about delivering a game so they can play a game about delivering a game.
My car will be delivering plushies from a game that I have designed with a bunch friends.
Delivering some fresh completely legal weed for the herb enthusiast’s that are definitely not going to consume it
We are delivering ancient alien technology that will enable the uplifting of mankind into our next stage of evolution, which is becoming an intergalactic snail.
I’ll be delivering ghost chilli tacos to pacman and his buddies, with the aim of squitting their pants! Revenge from mr ghostee.
Amazon Packages