Now, when adding the second impulse source it had been mentioned, that it is indeed another one on the player, and that it’s fine to have more than one with different settings.
The second one is an explosion (kust like the other one) just with somewhat different values.
But in the script we just grab a impulse source and never verify we got the one we wanted. I would believe we get the first one, so just the one we already had before.
(And I think the end of the lesson does show the shakes to be more powerful than what had been shown before when testing the settings…)
Now, how to we tell which of the impulse sources we’ve got (or rather how do we specifiy which one to get)? I would think part of the solution would be the “Impulse Channel” setting. I guess we can get both of the sources and then chose the one we want from the list of components that we get in a GetComponents<CinemachineImpulseSource>()
, and the way to do that might be iterating over the list and check for the channel?