does account deletion require email confirmation? if possible it’d be great if there were additional security methods to enhance account protection such as 2fa or email redirect login.
I noticed the Udemy Migrator link ( ) is no longer accesible and messaging the code through the Udemy platform doesn’t seem to be responding.
Is this feature being phased out? Or is it just growing pains of the new website tech?
I’m pretty sure it’s the latter; somewhere along the way, I saw some conversations about a very similar situation.
I would message GameDev Support to see exactly what would need to be done. I don’t see them leaving you out in the cold =)
What are the password parameters when changing your account password? It errors and won’t let me change, no matter what length or mix of characters/numbers/letters I use.
That’s definitely an issue for GameDev Support; they will be able to help you. I would also send them this screenshot.
Thank you
I am interested in the certificates too. I would like to put onto my LinkedIn profile.
Is there an autoplay feature on the videos that I’m missing? I can’t find one.
Hi. Yes, the videos play automatically. No, there is not a toggle for this feature. Based on the replies to other questions, I believe that they may add a toggle in the future. They are still working on getting features added.
My videos don’t play automatically.
Are you using a browser extension that blocks autoplay?
Nope, just using an ad blocker and password manager. I disabled the ad blocker and cleared the browser cache but still no luck. This is using Firefox.
I tried Edge with no extenstions and had the same result, though I noticed Edge has an option for a pop-out video player that Firefox doesn’t have.
This is more of a web site feature request rather than a problem…
It would be nice if the Products | page could optionally (1) include products that are already owned, (2) include products that are not already owned, or (3) both (current view is essentially both).
It would also be nice if it were possible to filter products by their author, either as a dimension in filtering or through text. I tried searching for an author name but it yielded zero results.
The dashboard view could then essentially be replaced with the products page view showing only products that were already owned… with the benefit of the additional filtering that is built into the products page.
Anyway… just food for thought. Cheers!
You’ll be glad to know all of these are in the backlog; there’s just a great deal of higher-priority stuff being dealt with first =)
a feature that id love to see is the ability to increase the size of the video player. the right panel causes the video to be too small when the browser is shrunk to a smaller window, this is a bit painful when your trying to follow a video and you need to have both the program and the browser on a single monitor, think like “cinema mode” in YouTube, where it changes the location of the side bar based on that setting. this enables a much better experience when viewing and using the applications we are learning.
great upgrades so far. the sites are smooth, the forums are pretty clean. great progress.
Thanks for this; I’ve passed it to the team for you =)