Well Model - First one

Just got done working on this. This was my first model in Blender. After many attempts at starting and beginning to learn the interface (in the past). I finished one. Now to progress in my knowledge and begin to polish these things up.


The all-important first model :wink:
Nice start :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Dude, Blender is HARD if you don’t have a good tutor. I tried learning it back around 2014 and I couldn’t stick with it either.

I just started Blender again a few days ago. Grant’s Low Poly class is making it much easier!

(Also, taking TONS of written notes helps me!)

Congratulations, and keep it up!


Welcome to this site.

Planks not tiles?

Well wall looks good. Time for some colours!

(moved your post to the show section from ‘ask’)

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That looks really good! Love that you put your own touch on the roof :smiley:

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