Well, I am very stumped, isWalkable, isPlacable

Seems like the thing that has confused me is the isWalkable, and the isPlacable…

Seems like maybe we should have made this clearer…

anyhow, my enemies – 1st enemies out of 8 pool size – seems to go 1 square at a time… the rest FLY
also the enemies ignore the fact i have set my tiles isPlabale to false because it has a tree – enemy walks right thru them…

Any ideas?


PS: I will proceed to the Zombie section until I hear back
Thanks Gary

A better understanding of HOw I can set up the isPlayable and isWalkable would be much appreciated

Hi Steve,

What do you mean by “fly”? Could you record a video of the problem, upload it to Youtube and share a link here? If the problem is obvious in a screenshot, a screenshot would be sufficient.

A better understanding of HOw I can set up the isPlayable and isWalkable would be much appreciated

Maybe it helps to ignore the actual implementation for a moment and to focus on the concept. The idea behind isPlaceable is to tell Unity whether the player is allowed to place something on the waypoint on which the player clicked. isWalkable is supposed to tell the pathfinding algorithm whether the current waypoint is supposed to be part of the path. Of course, if the waypoint is blocked, the enemy is not supposed to walk on it. Since the computer is not intelligent and cannot read our minds, we have to explicitely tell it what to do in specific cases. With this in mind, take another look at your code.

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