Well (Duplication)

My well in blender using primitives and duplication.
I have used cycles for the render as I am already familiar with it.

I used Blender as a professional from version 2.5 to 2.7 and have worked as a visual effects designer for 20 years! I am looking forward to catching up on everything new and shiny in 2.8 and 2.9.

I am going back through my all posts to say a little more about each stage after being nudged to communicate on the forums a little better by @Josa_Booba and have been impressed with the commentary offered by @NP5 and @FedPete !!! Thanks Josa, NP5 and FedPete!!


A fine well!
Complete with a winding mechanism.
Wall to roof scales look good.

The tiles though channel the rain under the roof!
The winder handle parts are too small.

Nice little fire being prepared on the right?


Thank You.
I can’t believe my tiles channel the rain onto the roof! Thank you.
Winder handle is indeed to0 small. Thanks again.

It’s a good place for a fire. Water from the well can quickly be used to put it out when enemies come!



A great well and lively render, although I did also notice the tile overlap.

You’ll probably easily enough be able to lift each side, rotate 180 (y axis) and they will drop on the opposite side of the well.

Thanks also for the kind words

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