Welcome to the Unreal Engine Developer

Hey there
I’m Luke from the UK. Always been interested in game development and coding and saw the opportunity to learn from this course. Glad to see a lot of other people passionate and interested in this course as it helps me keep motivated.

Hey World
I’m Olley though id introduce myself, Ive been gaming for the better apart of 30 years, always though I should give Game Dev a shot, well here I am, this should be a fun new part of my life, Making something that another person might like to play.

Hey all,
My name is Alex,
wanted to introduce myself, i’m a programming college student from Israel,
Loved games from the first time i got to play one, still love them very much,
just finished my first year in college and thought i should put all i learned in C++ to some good use,
really hope to make games that people can enjoy playing.

Hello there. I’m Sunny Sawrav from India. A gamer and a film maker and can’t wait to complete this course. My goal is to learn basic game development and also animated cinematics through Unreal.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Jason Wickham and I work as an FX Artist at a video game studio called Ready at Dawn. We just shipped a game and now that I have some time to learn some new skills I thought it would be fun to learn more about C++ and Unreal. Excited to get started!

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My name is Cosme, a couple of programming and computer geek friends and I made a group and are thinking about making a good selling indie game and start the beginning of something that may lead to a bright future.

Hi everyone, my name is Ignat. I’m a 18 years old student from Moscow, currently have some experience in web development (making sites, some php backend stuff, using Laravel etc) and linux administration (working with remote machine - setting up server, configuring apache etc). I was always interested in how to work with computer hardware, and making games. So i started to learn it from reading C++ premier (Stanley Lippman), and as soon as i finished it i began to try some code constructions and see how it works. After some basic manipulation with code, i tried to write my own blackjack - console text game which i did’t finished, but had good experience. After that, i decided to write my own tetris clone, using SFML library. I did normal job here, having my tetris working, added many proper features, and after it i understand, that i’m REALLY excited with game development, but did’t have that much inspiration with daily polishing my tetris, which would take a lot of time to make it work good in all aspects, because was’t really interested in game itself.
So, i decided to find out, if there’s some cool game development courses, and i found that Ben’s courses have insanely good reputation, that day was a sale for 10$, so i bought it without back thoughts (i only had to choose between Unity and Unreal courses, but there was no big deal, and i was more familiar with C++, + some more pros/cons which i read in internet, so i made my choice relatively fast).
For now i can say, that i’m very excited to do all the work as Ben Tristem advise, communicate with other students, and see where i will find myself after finishing the course.
P.S Though i did’t finished even that course, i will be very happy, if Advanced UE course with all this network/multiplayer stuff will be available, as i finished that course)
P.S.S Sorry for “strange” language constructions sometimes, i’m not a native speaker, as you see, i’m russian).

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Hi All :slightly_smiling_face:

My name is Jasmine, From California actually a dual major in Economics and Film Studies with an interest in Animation. I figured studying game creation also helps with animation.
Feel free to reach out for any reason (preferably related to course material or similar interests)


My name is Juliano from Brazil, I’m mechanical engineer and a friend invited me to develop games with him, so here I am.

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Hi all,
I’m Ed… I’m 25 and work as a Video Editor and camera op in the U.K.

Complete and utter beginner in terms of coding but I’m intending to fix that asap!

Hi all ,

Im Jesse. I’m a college student majoring in engineering. I pretty new to coding and my goal is to create an indie game or an app on an android device.

Hi! im saar from Israel.
Im 16 years old.
I started programming about a year ago and i do love it very much.
I got a little bit of programming experience in c and python and im looking into becoming a c++ programmer.
also i love video games and what to be a developer in the industry some day.

Hi im Saar also from Israel!.
.נחמד לראות פה עוד ישראלי
?איזה אוניברסיטה אתה לומד

במכללת סמי שמעון האמת
נחמד האמת לדעת שיש עוד ישראלים פה:)

?אז מה הניסון שלך בתכנות
אני יודע c ו python בסיסי

אני יודע c וc++ ברמה שלימדו אותנו
ולומד עכשיו פייתון לעצמי ובקרוב c#

מגניב נראה שאנחנו דיי באותו מקום
אם אתה צריך עזרה במשו אני אשמח לנסות לעזור

כנ"ל גם לגבייך אם תצטרך עזרה במשהו דבר איתי:)

Hey. I’m Jim. I am an old guy who is doing this for my own edification. When I was in college, they taught programming in Cobol and Fortran, not this new fangled C++ stuff. As even that was over 30 years ago, I have no modern programing experience. I drive a truck for a living, and I hope by completing this class I can annoy my colleges.


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