Welcome to the course / introductions

Hello everyone. I’m new to the course but looking forward to what it has to teach me.

Welcome, and best of luck!

Hi and welcome from the UK, new to course too

cool a fellow canadian

Hi all, Martin here from Australia down under. Many years ago I studied software engineering and have decided to get back into things as I miss coding and the creativity that goes with it. Hope you all enjoy the course too.

Greetings, I just joined this course as due to the nice black friday discount. Looking forward sharing topics with all of you :slight_smile:

Welcome! It’s neat to see this spreading around the globe!

Hello, my name is Wayne. I am a university student from Kenya taking the Unity course on C#. Fun fact, this is actually my first course on Udemy (woohoo) and I look forward in learning from and with all of you we journey through this course.


Welcome !


Thanks, nice to meet you

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Hey everyone,

my name is Manuel and this is my first course on Udemy :slight_smile:

Really looking forward to get started in Unity even though I haven’t worked with it yet.

Also happy to get to know the community and everyone involved in this!

Thanks again and kind regards,

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Hello, my name is Brian. I’m from the US and I’m starting this 2.0 course after having completed most of the original course over the last 1-2 years. I’m going to start fresh with this course and try to get back into learning to make games after having fallen off of it for a while.

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Hey all,
My name is Erik I’m from the US. I’m just starting the Unity 2.0 course. I’ve worked with unity in the past but it’s been quite awhile and a lot has changed. I’m hoping to get a refresher and start working on some ideas that I’ve had. Along with Unity, I’ve also done some of the Unreal 4 course that Ben created and I’ve worked with Game Maker Studio on my own.

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Greetings and nice to see such an active friendly community. I’m Jonas from Denmark, this is my first course online. I have absolute no knowledge working with Unity or c#, so I look forwardt to this course will teach me strategies and the flow in Unity, and some basic game developer c# knowledge. Thanks you

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Heya. I’m Nick and I have progress on some of the courses in the past but I finally have a block of time to just work on things as much as I like. Hope to enjoy all that gamedev courses have to offer over the next month. Looking forward to working with all of you during this time :smiley:

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Hi all, Marc here. I’m a 2D / 3D artist and animator from Melbourne Australia, really looking forward to getting stuck in to this course.

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My name is Miguel I’m from Uruguay.
I came here from Unity 1 and Unreal Course, but right now wanted to take on the Updated version since I liked both a lot.
I have 11 years of experience as a developer and been making games from a few and wanted to get my skills a little further to make the switch from corporate apps to make games for a living!

Will post my progress shortly!
Let’s get into it.

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Hello, I am Elder Chuck - Elder because I am old :wink: I started my career as a Graphic Designer when Markers were the tools of choice, and the marker fumes made the day that much better. I went to night school for computer programming and moved into computer programming, after which I developed multimedia training programs, and web based training with a bit of c#, sql etc… along the way. I then evolved into Business Analysis, then Project Management. A nice normal progression - the only problem is I got into computers out of love for programming and design, and now I sit at a computer staring at spreadsheets most of my day. Then saw this course, and decided, there is no reason this 50+ old man couldn’t keep doing what he loved even if as a hobby - and so, here I am !

With any luck I’ll re-learn and perhaps master c# coding and game design before I die - but even if not, at least I’ll die with a smile on my face.

I want to add one more thing - wow, I wish I were much younger and just getting started - so much incredible potential with these tools and programming languages - embrace them and run amuck with them while you can !


Hi, I’m based in Australia. I’ve wanted to get into game dev for forever but have always found reasons to procrastinate. Excited that I’m taking the first step finally.

I’m a fan of creative indie games such as Papers Please, Braid and Gone Home.

Good to meet everyone.


Guess this would be a good time to pop in and introduce myself (though some of you may know me from other courses.
I took the first Unity course when it came out, so this course is both a refresher, and curioius to see if anything new pops up. I also took the Unreal course. I’m an experienced programmer in Pascal (showing my age), C, C#, C++, and Java. 30 years ago, I wasn’t half bad at coding directly in Assembly, but that’s when processors were a LOT simpler, and Memory was a LOT smaller.
I’ve decided I’m going to run through all the excersises, even if they’re things I already know. Never hurts to take a second look at things and maybe squash some bad habits (and after 30 years of being a hobbyist programmer, boy do I have some bad habits!).
Can’t guarantee I’ll post every challenge, but I’ll post em when it make sense.


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