I hope you have enjoyed the lecture. If you have any hints or tips that you have discovered about this topic please do share. Feel free to report any issues with the content if you have any!
This is the one area that is crucial yet I find the most confusing. If I have a lot of different textures (and I do), then I have organized them in a file system for textures. That file setup is on a different hard drive. It has sub folders for different kinds of textures, i.e. Wood, Metal, Cloth, Grass, etc.
Do I still have to include the textures for a specific project in the projects folder thus duplicating the texture from the Textures file system? It just sounds like a lot of duplication which uses even more storage space.
Okay, after finishing the lecture (I wrote my last comment after completing the challenge), I see why this file organization is important. I am a little slow I guess in grasping that with all of the pieces , parts and textures all in one file, the Blend file is completely portable with everything you need to archive it or send it to a member of a team to work on other aspects or for future reference when you have not seen or used that particular file in a long time.
Thank you for making this short but extremely important video lecture!
I think it is important to manage / layout your folders and assets as i know with large coding projects i have done in the past. Dumping all the stuff into 1 large folder can get annoying when you want to find the file you want and you can’t as its buried in alot of other stuff. one trick i like to do is when i am working on a project for more than a few hours i will pin its folder to quick access so i can jump to it quickly without having to spend time finding it. little things like spending time sorting / making a folder layout can save you big time in the furture.
I also pin my folders for quick access. Great suggestion.