Weird rigging problem in Blender

Hey all. After about a year i’m back in the forum.
The thing is, i’ve got a problem in blender.

First off, the issue is not related to any of the courses. I’m just trying to get your opinions on it. And i don’t know if this is the correct place to be making questions like this. So i apologize in advance.

The problem is the following: I have a character and a rig. Rig is parented to the mesh. And the weight painting is done. So every limb moves correctly, except for one bone.

You see, there’s this one piece of the mesh that won’t completely follow the bones it’s assigned to. It will only go half of the way. That piece of mesh is weighted at 100% to it’s bone and at 0% to every other bone. So i’ve no idea what could be going wrong here.

Here’s an image showing what i mean:

Let me know if you think you know what could be causing this. I can also post the .blend file if it’s needed.

UNRELATED: Also just in case some users recognize me from back in the day, i’ve managed to rig the walkers and make them into playable characters within Unreal Engine!

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