Weird rendering artifacts

So I’m done building and lighting up my scene. Time to render and there are these strange artifacts. Tried fiddling around with a lot render settings but couldn’t fix it. Increasing samples made it even worse. Does anyone know why this is happening

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Odd small images to look at. But no idea it is a good rain effect!
Is there some particle system involved somewhere that has gone haywire? It seems a widespread effect not tied to one object or material.


Hope these are clearer
Nope no particle system and it’s affecting the entire space/domain
Not just the objects


Perhaps it tis a graphics driver issue?

You could try removing all reflectivity from the materials. Not sure it helps but it might be interesting to see if it is related to that somehow. There are some parameters in the render tab that might be adjustable if it could be worked out. things like more light bounces or something. Or there is a glossy parameter there too. Guessing and throwing out ideas really.
Change the hdri?
Disable main lights one at a time see if it is one of them?


Alright, I’ll try that. Thanks

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How are your material nodes created?

  • texture scaling problems?
  • factors of Fresnel, Layer weight ?
  • Are you importing materials from third parties? Blender Kit, Substance painter …?
  • Do you use displacement?

Try to render a cube or sphere with that particular matrerial

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