Weird jumping tank behavior

I have weird jumping tank behavior (mostly for the Player’s tank) when moving (both forward or rotating).
Don’t see this bug in the github for this lecture (for me it started right from the beginning when we’ve made SetThrottle method).

I’ve tried to compare my project and Ben’s from th github, but didn’t noticed any significant difference.

Here is my project if anyone could help with it:

Just run the game and press W to move forward – you should see the tank is reared, then jumping (especially if try to turn at the same time when moving forward).

That happens in Ben’s as well and it’s mitigated a bit later but never fully truly resolved.

Well I’ve downloaded Ben’s github and on this lecture’s commit this issue is not happening. At least, in my case it’s MUCH more obvious and annoying…

Yeah, it’s definitely there on his and yours and mine are both more obvious. :confused:

I don’t see this issue in Ben’s github nor on his lecture videos when tanks are moving…

Most likely since he’s altered pretty much the entire landscape it rarely happens, I’ve definitely had it happen to me using his repo and landscape.
This is what happens with his if you use a new flat landscape


Ah, it make sense, yes… I thought reducing of jumps could be because of low-poly landscape in the original github project (assuming “jumps” happening on the edges)…

For me, it’s so bad that it’s definitely the least fun thing at this point. It makes everything harder to test, and any kind of actual playing impossible. The AI tanks flip within a few seconds, and the player can only avoid flipping by moving very slowly.

When I linked this conversation into the Udemy course Q&A, a teaching assistant mentioned that the jump behaviour gets tackled starting from the Fixing The Tank Suspension lecture.

I’m going to leap ahead there and see how much of a struggle it is, given that I’m skipping almost 40 lectures.

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