Weird issue with equipping the sword

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It looks like the sword model may not be properly positioned within the sword prefab.

This is a trial and error sort of thing, and can vary from sword model to sword model.

Here is the sword prefab

Ah, I see the issue.
The prefab that is instantiated needs to contain a root and the model itself. Think of the outer root component as a wrapper. This allows you to adjust the position and rotation of the model within the wrapper, and then when the wrapper moves and rotates with the character’s hand transform, the model’s rotations are added.
Here’s how the equipped sword looks in the course project:

The root is “Equipped Sword” It’s transform is 0,0,0 with a rotation of 0,0,0 and it contains no components.
The Model itself is a child, SM_Wep_Sword_01, you’ll note that it has some rotation and position on it, this is the offsets needed to look “normal” when attached to the character.
Don’t worry about Hit Sound, that will come later in the course.

Ok! Seems adding the offset like has fixed the issue and the sword appears on the character as it should be, just need some finessing to get it into a good position within the hand in play to look good!

Thank you for your help

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