Weird glitching - Sliding when picking up an object

I am not sure the best place to put this but I am experiencing this after fixing the rolling bug with the pawn, so this seems as good a place as any.

Long story short - when I try to pick up the table (any time) or if the chair falls over and I try to pick it up at certain angles my pawn begins to slide at varying degrees of intensity.

Sometimes when I pick up the table my pawn will do a short hop backwards and slide a small distance, and sometimes with the chair it will force me to quickly slide backwards until I hit a wall or other object that will stop me.

I have done some work on trying to fix this but cannot seem to find anything relevant. In fact for a short period I made it worse (that was fun).

Thanks, any help is appreciated. It isn’t a game breaker but definitely not good


Hi, I just had the same problem you did.

I too thought something was odd and I tried alot of things but to no avail.

Suddenly, I had the idea of Ejecting while I was sliding and what did I find out? My oblong shaped little Default Pawn was ROLLING AROUND!

I was not, in fact, sliding, but rolling due to my odd shape after a Table or something odd banged into the Default Pawn model while picking things up

And so, to prevent this I locked the rotation (found on the Collision component of the Default Pawn) and the sliding issue stopped.

However, the player can still be pushed around by an oddly angled object sticking into the player model. Temporary fixes are changed the Reach length in the Grabber.h but I have no permanent solutions to this.

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I too ejected and watched my little guy slide across the floor due to a well placed table / chair at some weird angle. I was having the same rolling issue which was corrected by locking the rotation but couldn’t get figure out a fix to the sliding part. Good to hear I am not the only one lol. I may play with it some more. It would be nice to fix but isn’t a problem unless I start throwing the chair around :slight_smile:

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I too am having this issue. I have rotation locked on all 3 axis, however hen I pick up my table, I temporarily shoot backwards, and then regain regular control. Any suggestions?

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