Weird fix to Dropper not changing tag and incrementing scorer

Hi. I wasn’t able to get Dropper’s tag to change when hit by Player, nor did it increment the hit score. The wall and obstacle gameobjects did change tag to “Hit” when Player collided with them. Further collisions with wall and obstacle did not increment the scorer. I saw nothing in my code that should be disabling Dropper’s tag from changing to “Hit” when struck, or incrementing the score once and only once. I tried a number of things. Finally I duplicated Dropper. I put Dropper 2 on the ground plane and deleted its Rigidbody component. I also changed the Dropper Rigidbody Collision Detection to Continuous. When I hit Play both the Dropper and Dropper 2 gameobjects changed to “Hit” tag when collided by Player, plus the score incremented but only once and subsequent collisions with them did not increment the score. I then deleted the Dropper 2 on the ground plane. From then on the Dropper works properly, changing the tag to “Hit” and incrementing the score (only once) when collided by Player. So, what the heck happened? Why did Dropper start working properly? I haven’t a clue.
Oh, forgot to mention. I set Dropper’s Collision Detection back to Discrete before deleting Dropper 2.
Is the renderer cache variable maybe involved with any of this? Just wondering.

Hi @FairlyGreen,

I’m sorry for the late reply. For some reason, I missed your thread. :frowning:

To be honest, I have no idea why the Dropper did not work properly. In rare cases, components break for no apparent reason, or things suddenly stop working in Unity. Removing and readding components or recreating game objects sometimes fixes certain problems. And restarting Unity, that also fixes issues.

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