Wedge Challenge

So the first triangle I made I struggled with, it’s not really how my brain likes to work, but it was good practice.

For the second part of the wedge challenge, I got rid of that extra edge on the first one and pushed it aside. I decided I wanted to try and find a way of making a wedge in a way I would remember how to do.

After centring properly I dissolved the top right edge, which made a small triangle/wedge. I then hit g-y-2 on the bottom edge (point) to get it to stretch to the right length. This way there also wasn’t an extra edge or vertices on the bottom center.


I applaud you for pushing your brain to the limit :clap:

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This is the same method I also used I dissolve the top right edge and push the bottom right edge with the command g-y-2. I then alighed it up with the commands g-z-1 then g-y-1.


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