Webgl build failed

it gives me this error:

I read on a different thread here that it might be a problem with the past I saved it on.
the user it is saved on has Hebrew letters in it. should I save it on a different user with English letters?

I would looks at the errors, they are here to guide you, looks like something related to your scripts might be the culprit, can you send a screenshot of the entire error console and the script that the errors are coming from.

thanks, but i switched to an english named user and it built with no problems!

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Nice, great job solving your own problem!

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When working with Unity, always make sure that the paths, folder names and filenames contain “English” letters only. Otherwise, some things might not work.

This is good practice in general, not just when working with Unity, because you never know how the respective software/system processes the non-ASCII characters.

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