The waypoint script runs far too quickly on my computer, and there is no way to control the rail speed in the script, even when I have adjusted the look ahead parameter. I am also getting a frame rate of 900 fps.
Subsequently the bullet and particle effects are way off and my ship is overtaking the particle stream it has just created, even when I set it to a ridiculous values like 2000 units per second.I need a better waypoint script or I need to write one. A better waypoint script would calculate the perimeter of the circuit and allow you to set a speed between each adjacent node. I could write one but I am borking a bit at implementing the cubic spline interpolation math needed to correctly compute the path and trajectories around the rail system, plus I don’t want to waste time doing this if it’s unnecessary.
Hi Jack,
Please test Tej’s solution. Don’t waste too much time on making your game look perfect with the Circuit because Rick is going to replace it with a Timeline animation in a later video.
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