WASD not working after mouse click implemented

I say not working, what actually happens is he freaks out like a guy with serious issues. Unlike the video, where they show running to the edge using wasd … Mine turns and returns back to where he maybe was pointing and kinda does a spin thing… and steps forwards and moves back…

Im finding it kinda hard when something doesnt match up to the demo, such as I have 2018.1.6.f1 and for example, I cannot drop files into the asset area, I have to put them in the asset folder on the disk and have it pick them up… these nuances are hard when you’re new and feeling stupid.


Turns out
the move to vector3.zero was causing my issues… if I took that out and set the currentClickTarget to transform.position it does actually work - of course wasd doesnt detect enemies, but right now… I feel like a billion dollars.

I have the same problem.

Could you maybe post the code and the position in the script? :slight_smile:

Thanks and best regards.

Well, I posted how I solved it. Because that was 5 months back, Ive moved so far away from there, I dont think I have any of the gamdev scripts left in my rpg


            currentClickTarget = transform.position;


  m_Character.Move(Vector3.zero, false, false);

in playermovemet.cs

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