Warning for those attempting to 'try it themselves'

The videos often encourage you to try something yourself. I did, but unfortunately, I tried it in the ‘update’ area of the code (rather than the at game start). It didn’t work (which I mean, of course it wouldn’t, I’m just starting). I then ended up following the instructions on the video but forgot to take it out of update. This lead my entire unreal project to not be able to load. Had to do a lot of roll back and deleting to get it back up to seed. The session wasn’t great at teaching Sourcetree in case this level of WTF happens, so that took a good bit. I’d recommend not following along with the video’s recommendation of trying it yourself just yet. And keep in mind that your bad code can absolutely wreck a project.

My class files are for some reason no longer loading as part of the project. Not sure how big an issue that is or how to fix it. But at least now everything is working again for the most part.

(this isn’t a bad review, just me suggestion to others not to try as the video suggests and ‘try to fool around and see if you can get it to work’)

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