Warning about renaming the game scene

Make sure to have backups of your scene before renaming, in my case, when I renamed the scene and reloaded, the entire heirarchy had been wiped and about half my progress with this tutorial game was lost. Apparently it’s a known Unity bug.


the entire heirarchy had been wiped and about half my progress with this tutorial game was lost

I’d be crushed.

Luckily all of the assets such as the prefabs and scripts were fine, I was able to remake pretty much everything without having to rewatch tutorials, so at least the lessons appeared to be sinking in. It does make me wary about using Unity Engine though vs Unreal Engine without knowing exactly why it happened.

Same happened to me. With the scripts remaining intact it wasn’t too difficult to set everything up again, but it did give me a scare lol. Nice practice at least, I guess?

This just happened to me xD

Just happened to me too. Luckly, I found a workaround this issue if you played your game before renaming it:

In your project you should have a ‘Temp’ folder, inside of this temp folder there should be a ‘BackupScene’ folder or something like that with a ‘0.backup’ file, copy that file out of the folder rename it to something like ‘game.unity’ (important - the unity part should be the extension of the file not only part of the name) and drag this new file to your scenes folder and try it out.

Hope it helps!

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