WAR on Covid19 - a study on a Cartoon Character - FINAL

I had that problem many times … :wink:
But, I think you get an award for this event.

My plan was to use this as a game asset. Working with game tiles using a 2D game engine in JavaScript (Phaser 3). But I have too many projects, few of them passes the finish line.

I know your pain. I have the same thing and have to remind myself to focus. I even made a jira board for a ‘project & learning roadmap’ to keep myself in check as I’m aware of my limitation and constant jumping between things. It helps a bit, but doesn’t solve the problem for me :sweat_smile:. Soo many things are worth doing and learning but the day have just so little hours :wink: . I’m starting to accept that is just my thing and I will have to struggle to keep on track to achieve my bigger goals.

Btw. I really like the way you documented all the steps of the process with wireframe and your thoughts. I bookmarked this thread so I can refer back to it. Especially I feel that the ‘making eyes with eevee’ video you linked will be super useful.

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