Want to know if possible

In the Laser Defender section where we scroll the background, I wanted to add a spinning (slowly) planet to the bottom of the background. I created a sphere object, added the texture.

used " transform.Rotate((new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, scrollSpeed) * Time.deltaTime), Space.Self);"
in update to spin the moon slowly but as you can see can only spin it on the Z axis which moves it left to right.

I would like to know if it’s possible to make the sphere 3D? I’m guessing no since it’s a 2D game, and if you can not, would it be better if you wanted to do this to create the game in 3D mode or is there a way to make it appear as if it’s spinning down direction the bottom of the screen rather than left to right?

I though maybe create a quad and some how cover the quad with something invisible with a hole in the middle to scroll the background behind the hole downwards? I dunno, is anyone has ideas or knows something useful I would greatly appreciate any thought or feedback.

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