VViking - BullCowGame issues

Hi, I have a question. After setting up VS Code in Unreal (lesson 44) I received message that some updates must be installed. I agreed to that and after automatically downloading and installed some date I have this message:

For now it doesn’t make any trouble and everything from next lessons works fine. But should I be worried or agree to this “Get the .NET core SDK” ?

Yes you should, otherwise you will not be able to compile. Ensure that VS Community is installed with the following options checked - /uploads/db2322/original/3X/e/9/e9a4842012443f7926ceadc43f92fde9779a8a8c.png
EDIT - I can see you are on a Mac, so please just click the “Get the .NET core SDK” button.

Got it, thanks :wink:

Ok, now I have 5 errors:

Some info is in polish but it’s something like:

Error in unit #include. Update unit IncludePath. For this translation unit (/Users/…

Unable to open source file "UBT_COMPILED_…

After installation I haven’t done Step 2, because I don’t know how exactly. Open new project is VSC, write those lines from Step 2, compile it and run?

Hey there! Are you using Unreal 4.25? The problems are because of an bug. See this link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/unrealcourse/permalink/2553991121530838/

Thanks again, I’ll check this

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